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What is pinotherapy?

This is a method of working with the patient using pins (nails) and kats (blunt knives) developed by Dr Radoslaw Składowski. It is based on reflex mechanisms through which we can stimulate our body's self-repair processes. 

For whom is pinotherapy the right treatment?

It is used for patients with orthopaedic and neurological problems. If you suffer from headaches, muscle pain, back pain, restricted mobility or feel that a certain area of your body feels weaker or stronger (hypersensitivity), this is the right treatment for you. We also use it for scar work and post-operative and post-traumatic conditions. In addition to this, it has a very good effect on the whole body, reduces nervous tension, improves the digestive and respiratory systems, detoxifies and deacidifies the body. It is also used in post-covid therapy.  

Is pinotherapy performed with instruments?

It is a method in which we combine manual work with the work of specially created brass tools. These are pins that have a pointed end like nails on one side and a flat end on the other. We also use tools called katas, which look like knives. They are blunt, both tools do not pierce the continuity of the skin.  

What does a pinotherapy treatment look like at Fizjo&Well?

We start the treatment with a patient interview and diagnosis. We then select the appropriate therapeutic tools that will be best for the dysfunction you come to us with. We perform pinotherapy without slipping and the skin of the treatment area should be dry, clean and unbroken. During the treatment, we choose the appropriate techniques for working with pins or angles, this can include nailing, pressure-trapping movements and hailstones.   

Is pinotherapy painful?

The treatment is characterised by high intensity and the strength or frequency of the pressure on the tissues, which means that it can be painful. There is never any break in the continuity of the skin, but slight swelling, visible marks in the area and tissue tenderness may occur after treatment. However, these are desirable effects that disappear up to a few hours after treatment.

How many pinotherapy treatments should be given?

Due to the intensive nature of the therapy, a maximum of 2-3 treatments per week is recommended. An undoubted benefit of pinotherapy is that some of the techniques can be performed by the patient at home. It is therefore one of the techniques we recommend as a form of self-therapy.

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