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Functional training

Sedentary lifestyles, insufficient physical activity and 'casual' sport are elements that predispose to musculoskeletal dysfunction. Some people experience pain, others stiffness and reduced joint mobility, others a lack of body control. Regardless of how this dysfunction manifests itself, it does not lead to good. 

Our body sends us information that it needs help. To quote the great doctor of medicine, Wojciech Oczko "Movement can replace almost any medicine, but all medicines put together cannot replace movement."  This is why at Fizjo&Well, we do not limit ourselves to the therapy provided by the physiotherapist, but teach exercises, proper movement, and want to 'infect' people with a passion for sport - which, to be therapeutic, does not have to be a championship-level sport at all.  

What is functional training at Fizjo&Well?

It is a type of physical training that leads to the improvement of specific bodily functions. During training, we focus on improving the body's motor functions by performing movements that accompany us throughout the day. We attach great importance to explaining the causes of ailments or recurring injuries to our patients and, based on this awareness, we teach correct, often simple exercises. Our task is to enable you to function painlessly and normally in everyday life. And if training makes physical activity a part of everyday life for you, we will be all the more pleased.

Is functional training for me if my back hurts?

Training is a form of exercise dedicated to every person, whether they have mobility problems or not. So if you feel that some activities are causing you problems or you simply want to improve your body's fitness, come to Fizjo&Well for functional training. We also have what we call mobile training - with a drive to the client's home.

What does the training course at Fizjo&Well look like?

The visit starts with an interview and obtaining information on what problems the patient is coming with. During the office visit, training is usually carried out together with a therapeutic technician, for the best possible results. A set of exercises is written down for the Patient on paper or sent electronically with recommendations and instructions. When the pain symptoms decrease, we move on to training without the therapeutic work of the physiotherapist.

What are the benefits of training?

Training strengthens the whole body, improves motor coordination, teaches proper muscle recruitment, stability, flexibility, increases confidence in movement and overall fitness. All this has a positive effect on cardiovascular function. In training, we also engage the deep muscles by performing so-called core- stability exercises. And although the system of deep stability is negated by some trainers, from our physiotherapeutic point of view, it has numerous benefits, not only connected with the musculoskeletal system, but also with the genitourinary system and correct continence, among others. 

Are utensils used for training?

At Fizjo&Well we use exercise equipment - dumbbells, barbells, rollers, mats, rollers, thera-bank tapes, balls. However, mobile training, which takes place at home, does not require you to have professional equipment.

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